5 Reasons Why Fedora Should Be Your Next OS (and Why I Use It!) šŸ§

Personal Introduction Usually I donā€™t start posts with personal introductions, but this time itā€™s necessary: A long time ago, my close friend Beni and I founded the Israeli LoCo team of Ubuntu. We were the localization leaders, and we also had an amazing website, forums, and a unique community. All we knew how to do in those days was to act as missionaries and spread the word of Ubuntu from 2006 to 2009....

March 21, 2023 Ā· 6 min

Tame Your Tasks: The Power of 'Please' in Your Terminal

Tired of staring endlessly at the same terminal screen? Get a refreshing burst of motivation with ā€œPleaseā€, a new app that injects life into your workflow. Install it, and every time you open your terminal, youā€™ll be greeted with a personalized message, a daily dose of inspiration (a new quote each time!), the current date and time, and most importantly, your to-do list. But Please goes beyond greetings. It empowers you to effortlessly manage your tasks....

March 15, 2023 Ā· 2 min

Choosing the right filesystem: EXT4 vs BTRFS

If you are a Linux hobbyist you often face a common dilemma, choosing the right filesystem can be tough. There are so many filesystems out there, and sometimes people donā€™t know whatā€™s the right choice for their needs. In the post Iā€™d like to make a comparison between the two most common filesystem: Extended Filesystem 4 (aka EXT4) versus BTRFS. First of all, why file systems exists? Imagine a librarian for your computerā€™s storage....

March 12, 2023 Ā· 5 min